How to be The Perfect Impostor in the Mobile Game, Among Us

Among us is one of the hottest downloaded games this year and has become a cultural reset with Zoomers. It can be played with your friends by hosting a local game or with strangers by opening it up to the online world. The game chooses one to three people to be the imposter. Don’t panic when this happens to you. Fool all your friends and win the game.

Four to 10 players take the role of crewmates aboard a space station and try to work out who the murderous imposters are. The innocent crew members move about the station completing tasks and trying not to be murdered. The imposters work to sabotage and kill them off without getting noticed. Crewmates can call an emergency meeting to vote on who they think might be the imposter. Votes are also cast when a dead body is located. If the number of imposters and crewmates are the same or a sabotage action is not corrected in time, the imposters win the game.

Being a good imposter is a hard job. You will need to be sneaky and know the game mechanics so you can take advantage of them. It also helps if you are a cold-blooded liar. If you aren’t, the following tips will help you be the perfect imposter and fool all your friends so you can take victory.

Faking tasks is one way to deceive the other players. Only crewmates can complete tasks, so you’ll have to pretend to do them. It can also give you an alibi when the crewmates see you near the task spot. Just stand still in that one space and wait a bit. Be careful not to “finish” too quickly, as some tasks take a little longer than others to finish.

Always act like a crewmate in front of the other players. Vote for other players and accuse them in chat of being the imposter. Try to be honest about your locations and don’t be too aggressive. If you start yelling that red is the imposter for no good reason, it’s SUS. That means you’re suspicion, new slang that originated from the game. Even if someone else is voted out due to your allegations, it’s likely you’ll be voted out next due to your suspicious allegations.

Pretend to be a noob at the game. Crewmates will be inclined to think you aren’t the imposter if you throw an occasional “Who do I vote for?” in the chat. You could also say “I don’t know the name of the room” to throw them off track. These are very subtle ways to help you achieve this. But don’t over do it. That becomes SUS, too, and you’ll be voted out before you can ask “What does SUS mean?”

Direct the chat conversation the way you want it to go. After you’ve murdered someone, casually ask another player what room he was in or where he came from. Ask what tasks he did. Asking questions isn’t really suspicious because crewmates make accusations all the time. If you ask early enough, other crewmates may latch onto your accusations and think your victim is the imposter.

If someone witnesses you murdering another player, accuse them first or explain yourself before they can. Don’t be too aggressive with a defensive stance. This is a huge red flag and will lead other players to voting for you. You could also subtly defend the other player by stating that you two just walked into the room together. You can also say that you saw another player complete a task. This makes you trustworthy to the other players.

Try to go for crowd kills. When four players are standing on the same spot and one is killed, it is hard to figure out who the imposter is. You can use that to your advantage. Lead the others to one spot by sabotaging the reactor. Many players will gather in the same spot to fix it. Just run to it with them to fix it, wait just a bit, and then bam! Kill your opponents and then act surprised.

Sabotage is a good way to win. One of the best is damaging the electrical outlets and the lights. During this time, the imposter is the only one who can see, so you can easily kill your opponents, and they won’t even know it was you. Just run away before the lights come back on. Everyone will blame the wrong person. Camp at the entrance of electrical and then kill whoever comes in to repair the lights.

Do not panic and be the perfect imposter and fool your friends by following these helpful tips in playing Among Us.

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